
    What to choose Travertine or Marble

    What to choose Travertine or Marble

    Travertine or Marble? which is better?

    What to choose Travertine or Marble. The choice of flooring also determines the spatial effect! After all, the “floor of facts” should shine through its suitability for everyday use and with a discreet and stylish look. If you build on stone, you are often spoiled for choice with a large selection of genuine natural stones:
    A “classic” for high-quality interior and exterior design is marble with its typical cloudy structure. Travertine is less noticeable but a top all-rounder. What makes these two natural stones different, what makes them unique and what makes them special? We’ll tell you!

    Mineral facts: What to choose Travertine or Marble

    Travertine, sometimes called freshwater lime, is formed in springs and rivers by precipitation. Minerals consist of calcite, aragonite, and sand.

    The word “marble” comes from the Greek expression for “shine.” Marble is created from ordinary, dense limestone. The stone has a crystalline structure (approximately 50% calcite, dolomite, and aragonite); thicker and more complex than travertine.

    Travertine and marble belong to the same stone family (limestone), but both differ in their chemical composition, stone structure, and other properties.

    Stone structure: What to choose Travertine or Marble

    Travertine is the charming southerner among the natural stones associated with Mediterranean style and vacation. Marble is the favorite child of creative people and the fashion industry with its typical marbling. Like a marble look for tiles, it is in high demand among interior designers.

    We compared the two natural rocks based on their central characteristics.

    1.Color scheme

    In terms of color, travertine extends from light cream to darker beige or brown tones. Unlike travertine, marble is not only available in white and cream. The noble natural stone is also available in mysterious green, rich brown, or black. Varieties like the Spanish Nero Marquina inspire with their deep black coloring, which is interwoven with white marbling. Both have types with a yellowish color (Italian: “Giallo”), which ranges from a light, sunny yellow to darker ocher depending on the sorting and mining area.

    2.Natural stone structure

    There are also differences between travertine and marble in the stone structure. An essential feature of travertine is its pore structure. Depending on the sorting, these can be fine as with travertine tiles, Light or very original and concise as with travertine tiles Rustic. In contrast, marble has a very dense structure without pores, making it harder than other travertine.

    3.Haptics and processing options

    A different stone structure for travertine and marble requires different types of processing, which lead to a unique haptic experience. Surface processing plays a significant role in the overall effect and feel. If you want to bring the holiday flair of the last Mallorca holiday to your terrace, tumbled travertine is the right choice. The velvety feeling is a pleasure on travertine plates outdoors and for barefoot fans in the house. If travertine tiles or terrace tiles are sanded, the color is worked out more, and the surface gets a matt sheen. What is tumbled with travertine is with marble ground or polished processing? Color and stone structures are worked out particularly effectively with this natural stone.

    4.Laying travertine and marble

    Natural stone tiles made of travertine and marble are generally true to size (thickness 7-12 mm, deviation in the tile thickness of approx. 1 mm) and can be laid using the thin-bed method. Here the adhesive cover of the mortar is approx. 5 mm. The application of this method is limited to small to medium formats. Otherwise, there may be differences in height between the tiles to be installed.

    Tip: It is best to use light natural stone adhesive for very light marble tiles with a crystalline structure since dark tile adhesive could shine through.

    5.Maintain and clean travertine and marble

    Since both natural stones belong to the limestone family, you should better refrain from acidic cleaning agents. Mild or alkaline cleaners are suitable. Usually, brushing with a soft broom or transparent water is sufficient. You can treat the floor to wiping now and then if you want. Impregnation offers good additional protection. This allows liquids to roll off the stone to be wiped away more quickly.

    Tip: Since the stone structure is different from marble, you need an extra impregnation than for the other natural stones.

    6. These styles go well with travertine and marble!

    Due to the processing, travertine is a stone often used for rustic or Mediterranean design ideas. Travertine can also be deliberately staged individually and creatively in contrast to clear lines and a more puristic style. Once the surface has been sanded and the edges have been sawn, travertine skillfully and harmoniously continues the flair and lines of modern living spaces. Similar to travertine, marble can also be combined with many styles. Evergreen is the classic style of living, especially with a polished or polished floor.

    7. Heat conduction? What to choose Travertine or Marble

    What applies to other natural stones such as quartzite, slate, or granite tiles also applies to travertine and marble: both have excellent heat conduction. So ideal for laying them indoors with underfloor heating. Terrace slabs also benefit from this top quality. Even hours after sunset, travertine or marble gradually releases the stored heat into the environment.

    8.Mining areas and countries of origin of travertine and marble

    Bella Italia and Greece: Travertine and marble came for a long time, mainly from these areas. Turkish travertine, in particular, has made up ground in recent years. High quality and reasonable prices make a lot of competition for its Italian brother. Incidentally, marble is also found in Germany and Austria and deposits in Norway, Portugal, Romania, and even Namibia.

    antique travertine

    It sounds like marble, but it is not: The term antique travertine comes from a special surface treatment. The natural stone is a tumbling process; mechanical treatment rounds the edge and creates a typically used look. Geologically, however, this is mostly limestone or travertine, not marble.

    Travertine in a marble look

    Thanks to a unique structure and processing, we also have natural stone tiles in our range with a marble-like character. In addition to travertine onyx, which is given an exquisite look thanks to its gemstone inclusions and polished surface, the travertine rustic also looks almost like marble.

    Outdoor Travertine and Marble

    Natural stone tiles are also preferable to design beautiful places, paths, and the terrace outdoors. The trend color gray, in particular, is enjoying increasing popularity outdoors. Striking slate slabs in anthracite or black, granite slabs in very homogeneous gray are in demand. Travertine fans will also get their money’s worth: Travertine slabs of Silver come into their own with multi-faceted shades of gray, especially with a modern terrace design. bardiglio Gray marble 4×4 tiles look classic and contemporary, thanks to their unique structure and tumbled surface, highlighting the color and form.